Bizz News is 24hours only Gujarati satellite news channel from Gujarat, We have News Room, Studio, Marketing and Production team at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. It is promoted by a Gujarati group having long entrepreneurship experience in various manufacturing and service sector.
Bizz News has strong network in Gujarat. It is committed to regional journalism, abiding by the professional ethics. We have reached to 90 per cent cable connected households in Gujarat. As it''s a satellite channel our beam covers India, Gulf, China, Singapore, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, Nepal etc. and we are planning to distribute our channels to U.S.A. and U.K. with the help of Cable/DTH companies in U.S.A. and U.K. very soon.
The Motto Pedestal in Gujarat, Bizz News is a 24 hours Satellite Gujarati News channel. It connects all Guajarati''s wherever they are based to their motherland. The motto of the channel is "For the Guajarati''s, by the Guajarati''s and of the Guajarati''s"
Began of the journey Officially launched on 19th March 2009, the channel has successfully and smoothly covered its 11 months of journey. We put our sincere efforts to reveal factual picture of Gujarat to all Guajarati''s, within the State and Country and other parts of the World. Every day the channel brings out updated Gujarat and keeps the people well informed about the State. The channel has its commitment to regional journalism and professional ethics. It has its focus on issues, events, happenings and development of Gujarat. We ''brand Gujarat''.
Why only Bizz News........ Bizz News has strong network in Gujarat. Since the channel is regional specific, we target distribution ship in Districts and Talukas of the State only. Networking 200 talukas of the State with the help of 230 professionally trained stringers positioned in interior most villages of the State brings to light grass route issues, events, happenings, etc that needs to be noticed by a larger public and bring advocacy effect to the issues, democracy, awareness generation and thereby contributing to the society. It reports on highly localized issues and contributes to a public discourse and introspection by a society about itself, its social mores, attitudes and problems. The network of stringers is connected with 500 CUG BSNL plan. These stringers coordinate at central level to pass on daily information which gets broadcasted from central level. We acknowledge cooperation of cable operators with whose support Bizz news has reached 70% cable connected house holds in Gujarat
1) By the Gujarati to the Gujarati and for the Gujarati.
2) Only one satellite news channel in India which is SAMPURNA GUJARATI.
3) Only channel in India has 200+ Stringers in Gujarat.
4) We only concentrate Gujarat.
5) Programmes which entertain all kinds of Viewers.,
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